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disfruta de migraciones rápidas, estables y seguras con TBMR

" Confiamos en Cristie TBMR. Es un programa potente y fácil de usar".
Peter Sundelin
Gestor de infraestructuras, QD

Migración de servidores rápida y eficaz

When Swedish IT provider QD was asked by Setra to quickly move a large number of servers with limited access to the existing IT environment, QD put its trust in TBMR.

Setra Group, one of Sweden’s largest wood products companies, turned to QD to help with an urgent requirement; to move its entire IT infrastructure within a very tight time schedule. Peter Sudelin, Infrastructure Manager, QD, says, “Setra asked us to migrate a large number of servers without risking the company’s ongoing production process; with minimum downtime.”

The complex and urgent logistics of the project meant QD needed an easy to use, innovative, powerful software solution to migrate all of Setra’s physical and virtual servers. QD selected Cristie Software’s TBMR which allows users to recover machines directly from native backups, including IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM). This is designed to provide rapid automatic machine recovery to an identical state. Furthermore, TBMR is capable of restoring ‘anything to anything’; from similar to dissimilar hardware, from physical to virtual to cloud, in any direction.

El proceso

Installing TBMR was simple and QD were able to migrate all of Setra’s data to new hardware quickly and securely in a controlled manner. Sudelin comments:

“We knew we had the tools necessary to handle the migration successfully. One could say that we simulated a disaster recovery at Setra’s previous site and restored all data in our own IT environment at the new site. We performed the migration in less time than estimated and finished before the deadline. Setra was aware of the challenges and overwhelmed that everything went so smoothly.”

TBMR is now an integral part of QD’s solution offering and they are using it increasingly in other projects.

Grupo Boticário

TBMR refuerza la protección y disponibilidad de datos en el Grupo Boticário

" Cristie TBMR es muy fácil de implantar y utilizar. Nos funciona perfectamente. "
Fernando Dondeo
IT DR y Continuidad de Negocio, Grupo Boticário

Continuidad empresarial en una infraestructura informática cada vez más compleja

With roots from 1977 and group operations established in 2010, Grupo Boticário is now the world’s largest perfumery and cosmetics franchise with an international presence and 22,000 employees. Explosive growth and an increasingly complex IT infrastructure, meant Boticário needed to ensure its systems were not only securely protected but also easily recoverable.

Boticário runs SAP HANA on a Linux OS processing around 3TB of data. It was this relational database management system, designed to handle both high transaction rates and complex query processing, which needed to be recovered. The Boticário IT Crisis Management team selected Cristie TBMR (system recovery for TSM) as it supports Linux and integrates fully with TSM.

TBMR en acción

TBMR was installed on each server within the Boticário HANA environment. The environment was then configured to automatically recover a perfect copy of the software infrastructure from the TSM backup server, including the Linux OS, applications, configuration and data.

Fernando Dondeo, responsible for IT continuity process, monitoring and contingency strategy at Grupo Boticário says, “Cristie TBMR is very easy to implement and use. You just follow the simple set up instructions and nothing more. It’s working perfectly for us.”

Boticário can now efficiently restore its TSM backups and in turn, the SAP HANA databases fully, to their last position, or to any point-in-time available within TSM. Furthermore, without the need to install the original media.

Using a combination of TBMR, TSM B/A Client and TSM for ERP, Boticário now has the perfect backup and recovery solution.

Softbank Móvil

gana Garantía de Recuperación con la solución Cristie BMR

" La solución CBMR de Cristie nos da estabilidad y continuidad en nuestro negocio. "
Seiichi Koike
Director adjunto, SoftBank Mobile

Cumplimiento estricto de los RPO y RTO

SoftBank Mobile is a leading Japanese telecommunications and internet corporation company with various operations including broadband, fixed-line telecommunications, e-commerce and internet.

Customer service is very important to SoftBank Mobile and the company offer 24 x 365 support with clear service level agreements. However, its legacy manual protect operations were time-consuming. They were operated through scripts and standard system tools such as ftp and tar. SoftBank Mobile needed a machine protect and recovery solution that would not only meet but exceed existing SLAs.

Protección y recuperación inmediatas

After a competitive tender process, SoftBank Mobile purchased CBMR from Cristie Software and began to enjoy immediate benefits. CBMR supports online protection without affecting SoftBank Mobile’s running application and operation system. Seiichi Koike, Deputy Manager, SoftBank mobile says:

“We use CBMR for all of our scheduled server maintenance and for updates to applications and configuration. With around 150 servers on our network service system, it is important that our protect solution now gives us stability and continuity.”

Although there have been no critical server failures at SoftBank Mobile, the predicted time for recovery (including OS, applications and data) using CBMR is now under an hour compared with at least two hours previously. Koike comments, “As a result, our operations team can now execute the maintenance of our servers with confidence. CBMR gives them a quick and easy recovery process, should the server fail.”

Proveedor líder de la industria del automóvil

" CloneManager es el mejor producto que he encontrado para la recuperación ante desastres de servidores Linux; mantiene la parte de RD actualizada con los servidores de producción. "
Administrador principal de sistemas
Proveedor líder de la industria del automóvil

Solución de RD automatizada y racionalizada

An award-winning, national supplier to the automotive industry wanted to replace its manual disaster recovery process with an automated, streamlined solution. After a recent move from Windows to Linux for their growing web server estate, it was an ideal opportunity to make the transition. The Senior Systems Administrator (SSA) comments:

“We looked for years for something like CloneManager. Something that would help us automate the process of having a backup server ready to be booted up in the event of a failure.”

Cristie’s CloneManger ticked those boxes. Therefore, the solution has been implemented on nine web servers that support the primary business, with plans to extend its usage as new business ventures emerge.

Cómo funciona

Once each web server has been cloned, the Clone Sync feature of CloneManager is utilized twice a week for live syncs between the production systems and target clones. Furthermore, only data that has changed since the original clone is copied. The SSA adds:

“CloneManager is so easy to install and use. Also with the ability to schedule syncs, it means I no longer have to waste time re-cloning.”

In a DR test, the company failed over all nine of its web servers to its DR center. Once the server clones were re-booted, the web servers were back online and fully functional.

“It used to take us around 12 hours to test our servers, it now takes less than one hour. Also we no longer have to rebuild servers and run lengthy checks for software updates. Our websites are essential to our business; I now have complete confidence that should a disaster happen, we can quickly and fully restore them.”

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