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Cristie CBMR

Cristie System Recovery to and from Physical, Virtual or Cloud targets

Cristie CBMR software is a standalone recovery solution to protect your critical servers.


Cristie CBMR Recovery simplifies the automated recovery of multiple systems.

Powerful features remove complexity and manual intervention from your recovery workflow. Recovery simulations can be scheduled to ensure your disaster recovery plan will work when you need it most.

Ready for true enterprise resilience? Start your free Cristie trial.


Key features & benefits for CBMR users

Mit unserer einzigartigen Technologie für unterschiedliche Umgebungen können Sie jedes physische, virtuelle oder Cloud-Ziel mit automatischer Einfügung von bootkritischen Treibern wiederherstellen. CBMR kann Systeme von Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, VMware, Hyper-V und Cloud-Plattformen wie Azure, OCI und Amazon EC2 wiederherstellen.
System DR process audits are a core component of many industry compliance directives. Our DR orchestration tools enable the automation of CBMR recovery simulation reports to simplify your regulatory compliance procedures.
Mit unseren erweiterten Tests können Sie die Systemwiederherstellung mit DR-Automatisierung simulieren, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Wiederherstellungsverfahren funktionieren, wenn Sie sie am dringendsten benötigen, und das alles, ohne sich auf manuelle Eingriffe verlassen zu müssen.
Wiederherstellung ganzer Workloads einschließlich Betriebssystemkonfiguration, Anwendungen, Daten und Benutzerinformationen. Mit der Automatisierung können Sie mehrere Systeme über eine einzige Schnittstelle wiederherstellen.
CBMR provides DR automation and orchestration capabilities plus the ability to recover systems within a sandbox environment to validate recovery processes and RTO objectives. 
CBMR wird weltweit von Cristie Software und unseren Vertriebspartnern verkauft und ist sowohl für unbefristete als auch für abonnementbasierte Lizenzen erhältlich.

How CBMR works

Learn more about CBMR.

CBMR is a simple, yet powerful, backup software solution that creates a backup of your entire system as well as the data files and databases that you specify. The backup can be held on a network share, a tape device, a library, a standalone NAS or using Spectrum Protect.

The software will also provide quick recovery of the operating system in the event of system failure or human error. The recovered machine can be on dissimilar hardware or on a virtual or cloud machine.

CBMR also provides the ability to clone to a new machine from an existing backup. The cloning option allows the hostname and/or the IP address to be changed during the recovery.

CBMR allows you to backup data on your system to any backup location attached to your computer or network, including FTP (Windows only), tape, VMware, Hyper-V, Spectrum Protect and AWS and OCI public clouds. You can then examine the content of the backup and restore any desired files or directories.

CBMR - Workflow Sequence

VM, Cloud or Physical Server

Prepare Server

Install CBMR Agent
Create/Copy Binary

Protect Server

Create Protection Policy & Group

Download the Recovery ISO

Download the recovery ISO from Cristie

Boot Recovery ISO

Connect to Platform

select desired snapshot

Complete Recovery

CBMR Recovery Environment

CBMR requires one license per system it protects and includes 12 month free support & maintenance. Find out more about our pricing here

Der Cristie Software Blog

Orchestrating Your Comeback: How Automation Streamlines System Recovery

Orchestrating Your Comeback: How Automation Streamlines System Recovery In today’s digital landscape, downtime can be devastating. Every minute a system is offline translates to lost productivity, revenue, and potentially, customer trust. Organizations are constantly searching for ways to minimize downtime and ensure a swift recovery in the event of a

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