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Full system recovery for IBM Storage Protect and IBM Storage Defender users.

Cristie & IBM

Cristie offer support for IBM platforms including IBM Z and IBM Power Systems. A wide variety of operating system are supported including AIX, CentOS Linux for POWER, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for IBM Z, Ubuntu Server for IBM POWER, Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM Z. Through our long partnership we offer specific system recovery solutions for users of IBM Storage Protect with legacy support extending back to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) 6.4.

Cristie Software acquired SysBack, an IBM-developed AIX backup and recovery solution, in 2017. They continue to develop and support the software, ensuring AIX users have a reliable data protection solution.

IBM Storage Protect & Storage Defender

Full system recovery support for IBM Storage Protect and IBM Storage Defender users.

AIX Support

Backup and recovery for AIX platforms.

IBM Z & Power System

System recovery and replication solutions for IBM Z and IBM Power Systems

Find current IBM compatibility in our Product Support Matrix.

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