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Remote Office Backup​

Fast and cost-efficient system recovery and replication for remote locations.

Provide remote site flexibility and autonomy in the event of a disaster.


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Efficient Remote Office Backup with Cristie Recovery & Replication

Cristie Recovery & Replication enables remote and branch offices to replicate systems directly to S3 cloud storage, ensuring data security and accessibility. By using offline replication to create bootable image files, organizations can significantly reduce costs and overhead associated with maintaining live failover systems. This solution keeps synchronized copies of infrastructure ready to boot in virtual environments, providing a reliable backup in case of local failures or disasters.

Ready for true enterprise resilience? Start your free Cristie trial.


Cristie Software Benefits

  • Replicate Remote Offices Directly to S3 Cloud.

    Cristie Recovery & Replication offers a solution for remote and branch offices to replicate systems directly to S3 storage locally or in the cloud.

  • Reduce Costs with Offline Replication to Bootable Image Files.

    Offline replication can be deployed to remove the costs and overhead of maintaining live failover systems in the cloud. Offline replication maintains synchronized copies of the remote or branch office infrastructure in virtual machine disk files which can be booted within the target environment in the event of a local failure or other disaster scenario.

Empower Your Recovery Strategy with Cristie Solutions

From aligning with your RTO targets through recovery simulations to ensuring SLAs with synchronous replication, we ensure resilience meets demand. Get in touch to level up your disaster recovery plans and meet every SLA!

Le blog de Cristie Software

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