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Healthcare services & health insurance provider meets strict SLAs with Cristie

Not-for-profit healthcare professional
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Recover systems to isolated networks for cleanroom testing without interrupting ongoing  synchronizations.

Replicate live systems to a 2nd site for near instantaneous failover in the event of a primary site outage.

Set replication synchronization periods based on RPO requirements with near real-time failover possible.

Ensure internal & external SLAs can be met with an improved recovery workflow and simulated recovery reporting.

The Crisite AV provides detailed reporting with machine learning driven analysis and fault rectification guidance.

Schedule simulated recoveries to monitor recovery time performance and verify that RTO targets can be met.

Customer Profile:

A North American not-for-profit health system operating 94 hospitals in 22 states, including 120 continuing care locations encompassing home care, hospice, PACE and senior living facilities. The charity employs more than 120,000 people including 5,300 physicians offering a wide range of services to patients including acute care hospitals, a network of outpatient clinics, and a variety of support services.


Many industries have strict service level agreements (SLAs) that must be met for both internal and consumer facing services, the healthcare services sector is no exception. As a major S&P 500 healthcare services & insurance provider, SLA times for various services ranged from near zero tolerance at the highest level, through to recovery within 24 hours at the lowest. Within these limits, services were categorised into five tiers based on recovery time objectives (RTO). It was determined that traditional recovery methods using the incumbent backup platform could not guarantee RTO times for middle tier applications that required recovery within 30 minutes to 4 hours. A synchronized replication solution was required to provide live standby systems for failover, with the ability to test RTO/RPO performance without interrupting ongoing synchronizations.


The deployment of Cristie CloneManger Replication software allowed physical live standby systems to be commissioned at a dedicated 2nd site to provide failover targets in the event of a primary site system outage. CloneManager allows the synchronization period between source and target machines to be configured based on recovery point objectives (RPO) with near continuous real-time synchronization possible. RPO & RTO targets for systems supporting middle tier applications could easily be supported. CloneManager also provided the ability to perform simulated failover and recovery testing to an isolated network to provide RTO/RPO verification without interrupting ongoing live synchronizations.


By implementing Cristie’s single recovery platform, the healthcare system achieved reliable and fast system recovery for all its IT systems. The integrated solution seamlessly worked with their existing backup software, allowing for easy recovery of any or all systems, regardless of the operating platform. This enhanced their operational resilience, ensuring continuous, high-quality care delivery across their extensive network of over 123,000 colleagues and nearly 27,000 medical professionals.

Empower Your Recovery Strategy with Cristie Solutions

From aligning with your RTO targets through recovery simulations to ensuring SLAs with synchronous replication, we ensure resilience meets demand. Get in touch to level up your disaster recovery plans and meet every SLA!

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