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Schutz virtueller Maschinen für vSphere

P4VM Backup and recovery for vSphere virtual machine protection.


P4VM ist eine eigenständige, benutzerfreundliche Backup- und Recovery-Lösung zum Schutz virtueller Maschinen.

Die Software bietet umfassenden Schutz für Dateien, Datenbanken und virtuelle Server und stellt kritische Systeme in wenigen Minuten wieder her. Mit P4VM können Sie ganz einfach die Geschäftskontinuität sicherstellen und die Kontrolle behalten - ideal für entfernte Standorte und Zweigstellen.


Wichtige Funktionen und Vorteile für VMWare-Anwender

Integrierte Systemwiederherstellung

Standalone back-up software solution, limiting the need for extra infrastructure, or management and saving you storage space, network bandwidth, processing power and management resources.

Schnelle Wiederherstellungszeiten

Erfüllen Sie aggressive Service Level Agreements, Wiederherstellungszeit- und -punktziele (SLAs, RTOs, RPOs) mit der Wiederherstellung einer einzelnen Datei bis hin zur vollständigen VM-Wiederherstellung für alle unterstützten Betriebssysteme.

Leichte Lösung

Back up multiple hosts that can be managed centrally, scalable up to thousands of VMs and designed for optimal network traffic, speed and storage efficiency. Local backup restores as fast as the environment will allow. 

Einfache Fernverwaltung

Easy, secure, mobile access using the Cristie Virtual Appliance (VA) – with complete transparency, so you can manage multiple, simultaneous system recoveries onsite or remotely.

Offsite replication

Replicate your backups to Amazon S3 or Amazon S3 compatible storage. Ensure you always have a copy of your backups, should the worst happen.

Complete flexibility

Mount the chosen backup and restore single files or full backups. If you don’t want to recover a large backup just for one file, Single File Restore means you can simply mount the chosen backup and navigate through your filesystem to download that one needed file. Scripts can be run just before or after the pre back up snapshot is taken providing full control over the content of your virtual machine backup.

Wie P4VM funktioniert

Learn more about P4VM.

P4VM is a simple backup and recovery solution for Virtual Machines running on vSphere. It creates a backup of your entire system as well as the data files and databases that you specify. By using the VA, this provides unlimited control of proxies, and the frequency of backups can be set at VM level; from intervals of 3 hours up to monthly.  

P4VM can protect multiple VMs, across numerous Hosts from a centralized console. In the event of system failure or human error, the software provides rapid recovery.

Both complete VM restores and single file recovery can be performed. Recovery is reliable and the backup is stored in the native format, so is less likely to corrupt. To protect against backed-up malware or corruption, you can rely on retained backup history to revert back to the last identified good point, which adds an extra layer of vital protection for critical machines.  

P4VM is easy and simple to use through the Cristie Virtual Appliance (VA), giving remote management and complete transparency. Also as the VA provides management of other Cristie solutions, including; Cristie Recover, CloneManager.  

Use P4VM to back up to the DR site locally, then CloneManager for continuous incremental synced backups maintenance.

Wie P4VM funktioniert

P4VM - Workflow Sequence

Element 32

Bereitstellen des P4VM-Backup-Proxys in der virtuellen Umgebung

Lizenzierung der P4VM-Software

Element 32
Element 32
Element 32
Element 32

Sicherung von VMs in der virtuellen Umgebung

Wiederherstellung von VMs in einer virtuellen Umgebung

Element 32
Element 32
VM, Cloud or Physical Server

Prepare Server

Install P4VM Agent
Create/Copy Binary

Protect Server

Create Protection Policy & Group

Download the Recovery ISO

Download the recovery ISO from Cristie

Boot Recovery ISO

Connect to Platform

select desired snapshot

Complete Recovery

P4VM Recovery Environment

P4VM wird pro VMWare-Host lizenziert und beinhaltet 12 Monate kostenlosen Support und Wartung. Erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Preise hier

Der Cristie Software Blog

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Today we are pleased to be releasing  a new version of our BMR Suite 9.6.1 for Windows & Linux (Intel) to production. The suite consists

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